Motivated by the transatlantic eHealth Cooperation Roadmap, Trillium Bridge aims to bridge patient summary specifications in the EU and US to support interoperability for improved health and healthcare delivery, economic growth and innovation.
With an outstanding well-balanced consortium, Trillium Bridge leverages epSOS patient access and Meaningful Use/Transitions of Care use cases:
• Mobilizes people and resources creating a forum of collaboration and knowledge sharing
• Compares patient summary specifications and associated policies including eIdentification, privacy & security to select pilot use cases and complete a gap analysis
• Assembles interoperability assets to align structure and terminology (semantic mapping services for value sets published by the National Library of Medicine & epSOS, clinical document structures, testing and validation tools)
• Develops testing tools and validation reports from committed US providers and epSOS sites.
• Informs development of implementation guides and template libraries for patient summaries in liaison with Standards Development Organizations decreasing standards development costs
• Creates a feasibility analysis for patient and provider-mediated exchange of patient summaries.
Online social tools engage input from eHealth stakeholders at all project stages. Interoperability resources assembled for the eHealth industry to use push the envelope in interoperability and fostering transatlantic cooperation and business engagement.
Trillium Bridge will join forces with support actions, projects and initiatives contributing to policy alignment and sustainability upholding safety, empowerment, and well-being for European and US citizens when abroad. Thus, Trillium Bridge brings concrete measurable interoperability results at the technical, semantic, organizational, and legal levels, building on major initiatives to advance eHealth innovation and contribute the triple win: quality care, sustainability and economic growth.


Priority Area

Coordinating Organisation