SFIC and the Pilot Joint Initiative USA
SFIC is a strategic forum and an advisory body to the Council of the EU and European Commission. It is tasked to implement and drive forward a European partnership in the field of international S&T cooperation. Members of the Forum are EU MS and the EC while countries associated to the Framework Programme have the status of observers.
According to its mandate, SFIC shall facilitate the further development, implementation and monitoring of the international dimension of the European Research Area (ERA) by:
- Sharing and structuring information on S&T cooperation activities, objectives of SFIC partners, S&T resources and capacities of third countries
- Identifying common priorities and objectives for cooperation with third countries
- Coordinating activities and positions vis-à-vis third countries and within international fora
- Proposing joint initiatives to be implemented
- Networking Member States’ and the Commission’s scientific advisors in key third countries.
SFIC actively contibutes to the realization of the international dimension of the ERA. In this context, the linkage to the cooperation with third countries of the Framework Programme plays an important role. A better coordination between different international activities of the MS as well as a joining of resources creates synergies.
In the frame of so-called „pilot initiatives“, SFIC promotes and increases a strengthened strategic cooperation with important partner countries. Next to India, China and Brazil, the USA is an important pilot country. SFIC’s roadmap for the further strengthening of the EU-US cooperation can be found here: „Approaching USA“
Further Information can be found on the following pages: