
GetReal is a project of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), a public-private consortium consisting of pharmaceutical companies, academia, HTA agencies and regulators (e.g., NICE, HAS, EMA and ZIN), patient organisations and SMEs. The GetReal consortium aims to improve the efficiency of the medicine development process by better incorporating estimates of relative effectiveness into drug development and to enrich decision-making by regulatory authorities and HTA bodies through: Bringing together regulators, HTA bodies, academics, companies, patients and other societal stakeholders;
Assessing existing processes, methodologies, and key research issues;
Proposing innovative (and more pragmatic) trial designs and assessing the value of information;
Proposing and testing innovative analytical and predictive modelling approaches;
Assessing operational, ethical, regulatory issues and proposing and testing solutions;
Creating new decision making frameworks, and building open tools to allow for the evaluation of development programmes and use in the assessment of the value of new medicines;
Sharing and discussing deliverables with, among others, Pharmaceutical companies, regulatory authorities, HTA / reimbursement agencies, clinicians and patient organizations;
Developing training activities for researchers, decision makers and societal stakeholders in the public and private sector in order to increase knowledge about various aspects of relative effectiveness.



Priority Area