Your role in the project: 
Project Coordinator
Assessment of your participation: 
The NEXPRESSO-project (FP7-project) was built on the FP6-project "ACCORD" which got its idea from the P-TAP-programme of OIDA (USA). The idea is to use public funding to buy pre-competitive photonic components from SMEs and provide them for free to researchers at academic groups. This idea was based on the use of public funding to bridge the so-called "valley-of-death" between research and product development to allow: - researchers to lay hands on innovative and pre-competitive components to do research, at no net cost - SMEs to further develop and test their components at no net cost - to establish new, non-existing relations between SMEs and academic groups. The project was very successful and also opened a new set of market opportunities to SMEs. As the idea was based on a programme originating form OIDA (USA), they were contacted to join the project at the start but withdraw at the last moment due to lack of funding and reduced interest.
Your organisation: