Leibniz Association (Germany)

The Leibniz Association comprises 86 research institutions which address scientific issues of importance to society as a whole. They provide infrastructure for science and research and perform research-based services - liaison, consultation, transfer - for the public, policy makers, academia and business. They conduct research ranging from natural science, engineering and environmental science via economics, social science and infrastructure research to the humanities.

Contact KeyPlayer: 
Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Geschäftsstelle Bonn, Eduard-Pflüger-Str. 55, D-53113 Bonn Tel.: 0228 / 308 15 - 210 Fax: 0228 / 308 15 - 255 e-mail: info@leibniz-gemeinschaft.de

<p>No theme specific</p>


<p>Research Organizations and Centers</p>

EU Member States